Hyman Authors NYSBA Med Mal Treatise Chapter
Marc Hyman authored the chapter entitled “Deposing the Plaintiff” in the recently published 2009 Third Edition of the New York State Bar Association’s treatise “Medical Malpractice in New York”. The chapter discusses how the plaintiff’s deposition can be used to investigate and promote the successful defense of a medical malpractice case, including preparation for, approaches to, and conduct of the deposition. The chapter includes a discussion of the new deposition rules designed to facilitate civility in practice and reduce “obstructive” deposition practices. The treatise contains chapters by many of New York’s most prominent medical malpractice practitioners from both the plaintiff and defense bars.
Luke Pittoni, Daniel Ratner and Marc Hyman previously authored an update of the chapter on “Choosing Experts for the Defense” that was included in the NYSBA’s 2000 Second Edition of this treatise. The original chapter was authored by Luke Pittoni for the 1993 First Edition of this treatise.