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Brain Injury Claim Dismissal in New York County
The Supreme Court, New York County (Schlesinger, J.) has set aside a $9.25 million verdict and dismissed a complaint against an HPM&B client, a neurosurgeon who had been found 50% liable.  Plaintiff’s decedent, an heiress to the Mellon fortune, sustained catastrophic neurological injuries when she was struck by a moving truck.  It was alleged that ...
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Appellate Division Upholds Disclosure of Hospital Records Without Patient’s Permission
New York State Mental Hygiene Law section 9.60, also known as Kendra’s Law, allows New York courts to order mandatory assisted outpatient treatment for psychiatric patients. Courts may order a non-hospitalized psychiatric patient to take specific medications, undergo routine urine and blood testing, remain in specified residential living arrangements, and attend weekly counseling. A patient ...
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Summary Judgment Dismissal Obtained on Behalf of Pediatrician
Vincent Gallo successfully obtained summary judgment dismissal on behalf of a New York County pediatrician in a case in which plaintiffs alleged that HPM&B’s client failed to diagnose a congenital hip dislocation. Plaintiffs had alleged that the failure to diagnose the hip dislocation occurred during a routine pediatric visit and the infant’s family complained about ...
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Connecticut Appellate Affirms Dismissal of Complaint
Connecticut General Statutes Section 52-190a requires that a plaintiff attach to his complaint a good faith certificate from his attorney and a letter from a similar health care provider stating a belief that there is evidence of medical negligence.  Failure to comply makes the complaint subject to a motion to dismiss. Superior Court decisions interpreting ...
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Defense Verdict Obtained In Connecticut Superior Court
Bruce F. Gilpatrick recently obtained a defense verdict in a wrongful death case brought by the estate of a 68-year-old business executive against a Board Certified Urologist in Stamford, Connecticut. Plaintiff claimed that there was an approximate one year delay in the diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer resulting in decedent’s death.  After a bench ...
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Defense Verdict in Bronx County Supreme Court
Elizabeth Cornacchio recently obtained a defense verdict in a birth injury case tried in Bronx County Supreme Court against a hospital.  Plaintiff claimed that the labor and delivery of a 23-year-old, first-time pregnant woman, was mismanaged.  The plaintiff-mother presented to the defendant institution with complaints of abdominal pain and bleeding at 25 weeks 6 days ...
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Second Defense Verdict Obtained in New York County
Marc Hyman recently won a second defense verdict in a case concerning an alleged failure to timely diagnose a pelvic granular cell tumor in a 45-year-old woman by our client, a gynecologic oncologist. A first defense verdict in 2006 was vacated on plaintiff’s appeal to New York State’s highest court, the Court of Appeals. The ...
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Defense Verdict Received In Suffolk County
On December 2, 2009, Anthony M. Heller obtained a defense verdict in a podiatry case on behalf of a Long Island podiatrist in the Suffolk County Supreme Court. Plaintiff claimed that her foot had surgically deformed by procedures performed by the podiatrist and she was left with an inability to comfortably perform the activities of ...
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Defense Verdict In New York County
On June 23, 2009, Robin R. Dolsky received a defense verdict in a medical malpractice case on behalf of a prominent surgeon. Plaintiff claimed that the abdominal surgery performed by our client was unnecessary and too extensive.  Plaintiff further claimed that there was a failure to properly follow and timely diagnose plaintiff’s abdominal abscesses postoperatively. A ...
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Defense Verdict In New York County
Terrence St. John obtained a defense verdict in New York County Supreme Court in a case involving infiltration of contrast material into plaintiff’s right hand when contrast material was injected rapidly and under pressure to perform a pulmonary angiogram. Plaintiff claimed that the defendant hospital, through the actions of its staff, was negligent in failing ...
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